Showdown at DOJO with Nico Stojan

Showdown at DOJO with Nico Stojan

Open:March 02, 2024 22:00
Close:March 03, 2024 05:00
The scene is set for another disco odyssey in the heart of Budapest. Red lights flash and the sea of partygoers move to the beat. This time it is Nico Stojan on the decks who gets the crowd bumping.
Partygoers navigate through the crowd - the atmosphere is electric, everyone is lost in space and music. The DJ is a real master of mayhem here - his beats are fused with joyful chaos and ecstasy.
The crowd becomes a singular entity, pulsing with energy. Showdown at Dojo, where the underground spirit thrives and the night is like a blurred journey into the unknown.
Tickets available

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